Sometimes you see something for the first time and instantly recognize it’s a game changer.

Craig Van Korlaar showed me the new ePub from Push Pop Press called Our Choice.

I was blown away.   It has me thinking.  A lot.

This doesn’t just change the game for publishing, but now, for the first time, I really want an iPad.  I hope content producers in healthcare and education will embrace this form of knowledge distribution.

Mike Matas and his team just raised the bar on how to tell a story.  Check out Mike’s presentation @ TED.

the Genius inside us …

February 22, 2009

It’s going to take a lot of genius to wisely invest the $19+ billion that the leaders of our country just injected into the Health Information Technology marketplace via the HITECH Act.

Those of us in healthcare + technology —– we’ve got to start having honest conversations with ourselves and each other.    I love how Elizabeth Gilbert puts a human perspective on what that conversation would be like.

She’s real.  Insightful.  Moving.   Her belief that we’ve got to find a way to take the genius out of us and realize it could be a “peculiar, wondrous conversation”  is exactly what healthcare needs to hear ….to take a much needed leap forward.

We’ve just got to “show up” to the conversation and do what we do.  Olé !!!